Saturday, September 6, 2008

Here I am!

I've taken a little vacation from the blog.  It's been hard for me to come back to the blog because it reminds me of being stuck in the hospital.  I've just been enjoying being home and getting back to normal.  I have returned to work, although not full time yet.  I get tired very easily.  

Amy - Greg wanted to put me in a big hamster ball!

Wendy - I'm just relaxing and taking things slow.  Tell Andy to get off his ass and buy you a new bed!

Mark - It's nice to be your hero!

Nancy - It is great to be home!  I hope you are having fun on  your trip!

John - Good to hear from you!

Debbie - We will have to plan a big bubble celebration!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'M HOME!!!!!

I was discharged yesterday, and got home around 5:00p.m.  It was the longest 3 weeks of my life.  It was so nice to drive home with the windows down.  When I got home, I checked out the new bed Greg got for us.  It is awesome!  I also said hello to the piggies (cats), but with a mask and gloves on.  We are making them stay in the basement for at least a week to ensure they do not infect me with anything.

Today I went for a walk outside.  It was wonderful to feel the sunshine and the breeze.  I will never take these things for granted again!

Mish - Sounds like a busy birthday party.  Although I think someone may be a little upset if you get rid of all (but four) her toys!

Debbie - Go Cubs, Go!  They are kicking ass - and yes, I have been watching them.  I'm hoping D. Lee and Edmonds get on a home run roll again!

Gretch - Don't worry, I'm taking good care of myself.  And I have two vigilant caregivers (Mom and Greg) to make sure I do.

Nancy - Sorry you wore yourself out - easy to do.  Glad to see that you have resurfaced.

Amy - Now that the Olympics are over, I've become a convention junkie.  I though Hillary's speech was phenomenal!

Liz - I too agree with Greg's comment wholeheartedly!  I miss you guys too!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Hi everybody! My counts yesterday were .08. Today they are .31. It looks like the G.I. Jens are done with boot camp and are ready to rock! Yahoo!

Mom H - Please keep praying extra hard - I think the G.I. Jens like it. And no, Greg did not tell me about baby Joseph. He is in big trouble (not really)! Please congratulate Alicia and David for me.

Jim - Thanks, its great to know you guys are pulling for me. Say hi to Nicole and Isabella for me.

Amy - I really like Dr. Underwearhead. I think that is a cool name you made up!

Kurt - Enjoy your camping trip. It sounds like it will be really amazing. I'll take any energy you want to send my way!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Hi everyone! Today has been an awesome day for me. I received fabulous artwork from my four favorite San Francisco kids and young adults - Thea, Leo, Ava and Mia. My sister matted a beautiful piece of art that Thea made for me. Leo, Ava and Mia each sent in their own masterpieces. They are now prominently displayed in my room.

MY COUNTS ARE ON THEIR WAY UP! I had only .04 G.I. Jens yesterday, and now I have .08. So they doubled!

Thea - I just want to thank you again for the artwork you made for me. Today, I was looking out my window at the Chicago skyline (I am on the 10th floor), and I saw a very ambitious butterfly fly right by my window. It made me think of you. Please say hello to your Dad for me.

Leo, Ava & Mia - Again, thank you for your excellent contributions of artwork. They really light up my room. I can't wait to see you guys again!

Wendy - The G.I. Jens are ready to kick some butt. I'll be sure to tell them that you are one of the good guys.

Mimi - Of course I remember Mom sitting like a god d&*%#%*! (censored for young readers) statue. I still pull that one out sometimes when I talk to Mom.

Amy - I love Dr. Underwearhead! I will keep visualizing G.I. Jens so I can get out of here! Greg and I had a great visit today.

Debbie - Congrats on conquering the blog! Don't feel bad, a lot of people had trouble posting. It is really good to hear from you.

Gretch - Thanks for the reinforcement for the G.I. Jens!

Brian - It's really good to hear from you and Debbie. Thanks for the update from the criminal side. I will always have a soft spot for those punks (especially Isiah). And thank you for reminding me of my lovely "walk" in your backyard with my cosmo. I will definitely visualize tossing back Rolling Rocks on my deck, or at your house when I break out of here!

Friday, August 22, 2008


I'm still impatient to get out of here. My white blood cell count is still low, and my neutrophil (sp?) level is still zero. But my neurologist encouraged me to visualize my counts going up. Greg talked to a friend of his at work who is studying to be a nurse, and she described neutrophils as the "special forces" of the immune system. So, here is my visualization: I imagine my bone marrow spitting out new "special forces" that look like little G.I. Janes. I call them G.I. Jens. I hope it works.

Otherwise, I'm feeling pretty good.

Nancy - I emailed you on 8/18 and haven't heard from you. I hope you are feeling OK. If you didn't get my email check your spam.

Gretch - I received a card from Mary Lou Gallam. Please thank her for her thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I'm getting antsy to get out of here! I want to see my cats! I want to see my husband outside of this prison! I want to be in my own house!

OK, enough whining. Today has been a tired day for me. I slept most of the day, even though I slept well last night, although I was having some wicked crazy dreams all night long.

Amy - OK, now I will picture my neurologist with his underwear on his head. I'll have to bite my tongue the next time he comes in.

Wendy - I saved a whole bunch of hair when I cut it off. I didn't even think of making a cat toy! Great idea!

Gretch and kids - I hope my hair grows back curly. I'm hearing from a lot of people that it will. Say hello to the kids for me!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Today's Update

Yesterday was a little rough - I had a headache all day long. But the docs gave me some good drugs, and I feel good today.

I really started losing my hair yesterday. I started pulling clumps of hair from my remaining tail, and decided to cut it off. I was feeling a little sorry for myself, but I am over it now. I just looked at the cool scarves Judy and Liz got me, and it lifted my spirits. I have decided not to do a wig, just scarves. My sister is going to make me some that later, when I don't need them for my head anymore, I can use them for my neck or elsewhere. Get on it, Mimi! I'm counting on you!

I also talked to my main neurologist today, and we got on the topic of scarves. He is a very "buttoned down" doctor, but he took the time to show me a website of super fancy scarves. Talk about service! I think a trip downtown will be in order when I bust out of here.

Mark - what an uplifting song. Thank you for the good thoughts. You impressed my mother-in-law as well. I'll try to lay off the cartwheels.

Mom H - cool passage from the Daily Word. I think someone spiritual is trying to tell me something. I got the message.